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Articles by D.C. Aiken

Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

Help Is On Its Way… Well Sort of…

I am stuck in the 1977 time frame as far as my music selections, and this week, I went with the Little River Band’s 1977 hit song "Help Is On Its Way." I say this as many of the topics in my articles over the past several months are now beginning…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

Welcome to the Grand Illusion (The Reprisal)

The 1977 hit song from Styx Grand Illusion may illustrate several things we are seeing today in the real estate market as well as our Federal Reserve. I am still fascinated by the “illusion” still being talked about regarding “multiple…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

On July 4, 1969, The Rolling Stones Introduced their song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”.  The song goes on to say, “But if you try sometimes, well, you just might find, you get what you need.” This can be said about many borrowers…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

The Gambler…

Kenny Rogers’ 1978 hit song “The Gambler” may very well portray the current US consumer.  You need to know when to buy (Hold Them) and not to buy (When to Walk Away or even Run), which seems to be the theme in the US. The American consumer…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

Is Your Home Purchase Offer… Simply the Best?

Is your home purchase offer truly the best it can be? With the real estate market heating up and multiple offers becoming common, it's vital to ensure that both buyers and sellers are getting the most out of the deal. The iconic Tina Turner…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

Living in a Material World…

Madonna’s January 1985 pop hit "Material Girl" may be more accurate now than in 1985. Our Federal Reserve sees our economy as healthy due to continued spending despite their unprecedented rate hikes, which are taking rates to 20-year highs.…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

Give Me Just a Little More Time…

The January 1970 hit “Give Me Just a Little More Time” by the Chairman of The Board could also be said about the US inflation rate hitting the FED’s “magical” 2% mark before we see the FED possibly lower rates. While the Federal Reserve…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

If The Story Is Better Than The Truth… Report The Story…

This statement is so true when it comes to the “Talking Heads” media folks on their reports of the recent National Association of Realtors $418M settlement for their “alleged” collusion in real-estate commissions on home sales. While…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

Money for Nothing… Biden’s Plan Sounds Good, but Won’t Solve the Affordability Issue for First-Time Buyers

On March 4th, I watched the State of The Union address from President Biden, as well as the Republican response, which I believe there has been enough discussion about. While most of the President’s speech seemed to sound like a Democratic…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

I Saw the Sign… Purchase Applications Rising Sharply

The recent rise in purchase mortgage applications reminded me of a 1993 hit from the group Ace of Base, which was about opening your eyes, seeing the signs, and acting on what you see. We have seen mortgage rates begin to make another run to…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

Big Foot Sightings and FHA Loans

Even though I have a sticker on my truck that says “I Believe” in Big Foot, I've never actually seen one. But I've heard stories and watched TV shows about supposed sightings, and I've talked about these stories with friends, even though…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

My Old School

The 1973 hit song “My Old School” by Steely Dan references never returning to my old school and mentions where I went to undergrad at the College of William & Mary. Many of you may not be going back to your old school, but many of your…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

Groundhog Day?

Since we are in February and we just recently went through “Groundhog Day,” I thought that maybe Punxsutawney Phil and our Warriors of Wall Street might have something in common in predicting 6 more weeks of winter and possibly 6 more weeks…
Market Insights from D.C. Aiken

Refinances Move Sharply Higher?

Refinances moved exceptionally higher this week as more and more folks are looking to giving up their below 4% mortgage rates in exchange for high 6% mortgage rates to pay off their accumulated debt. On the surface, this sounds crazy, but is…