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Cathy Thompson

Cathy Thompson

Loan Officer

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Q&A with Cathy Thompson

What do you enjoy doing on the weekends?

Spending time with my boys! (Husband Ryan and sons Taylor and Brooks). We are an adventurous crew and hardly ever home on the weekends.

I also enjoy sneaking down to our house in Florida where we fish, boat, scallop, relax, and enjoy the most beautiful sunsets and getting out and about with friends to eat local Athens cuisine. I am a red wine, Cabernet, connoisseur!

If you could live anywhere than your home state, where would you want to be? Why?

The Caribbean, our Florida house, or anywhere with clear blue water. Sunshine, fishing, relaxing all day. Why? Vitamin Sea is good for the soul.

What significant drivers motivated you to learn your profession?

Before becoming a mortgage banker I was a team manager and senior loan processor. I know the ins and outs of this profession. The most enjoyable part of my profession is to see all parties of the transaction, mortgage bankers, buyers, builders, attorneys, agents, etc. all come together and make someone’s dream come true. It takes a team to make that happen. I get to help people buy their dream home! How cool is that?

My why? My family of course! I work hard to play hard. I believe in living life now as tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Bio of Cathy Thompson

Cathy has 20 years of experience in the mortgage industry. She has worked in every part of the origination process. From being a processor to a team manager, she has had experience in working through any issue that could arise on a loan. That experience has molded her into a loan officer who knows how to structure loans so that they fit a client’s best needs. Cathy understands that Communication is key, and she wants individuals to know each transaction, no matter the size, is equally important to her.

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