President Trump…You May Be Right
AikenomicsThis week’s music inspiration comes from the 1980 smash hit “You May Be Right” by Billy Joel. There has been much debate about how President Trump’s tariffs will impact the economy. At first glance, one would say that they are inflationary,…

The Gambler
AikenomicsThis week’s inspiration for my article comes from Kenny Rogers's 1978 hit “The Gambler."
President Trump has wasted no time in trying to fulfill many of his campaign promises. We have seen massive proposed “cuts” in Government payrolls,…

Money For Nothing
AikenomicsThis week’s inspiration for my article comes from Dire Straits's 1985 smash hit "Money for Nothing."
I hear many reasons as to why folks are holding off on purchasing a new home. One is that rates are too high, making home buying unaffordable,…

The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades
AikenomicsThis week’s music inspiration for my article is the 1980 hit “The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades” by Timbuk3. This week, we had the inauguration of our 47th President, Donald J. Trump. President Trump, in his speech, spoke about…

Things That Make Me Go Hmmm
AikenomicsThis week’s music inspiration for my article is “Things That Make You Go Hmmm,” the 1991 hit from C+C Music Factory. As we all know, rates have been moving notably higher and have reached a point that we have not seen since last Spring.…

2025… A Good Year for Homebuyers?
AikenomicsHome sales in the Metro Atlanta area were at 30-year lows in 2024, so my prediction that home sales will rise in 2025 may not be that special. But what might be special is that we could see a notable rise in housing sales in 2025 without prices…

Danger Zone
AikenomicsMy motivation for this week’s article is Kenny Loggins’ 1986 hit “Danger Zone” and how the Fed may very well be flying us into an Economic Danger Zone.
Several weeks ago, the Federal Reserve once again cut the Federal Funds Rate by…

I Want It All… I Want It Now
AikenomicsMy motivation for this week’s article is Queen’s 1989 hit “I Want It All”. While housing continues to slow, home prices are beginning to slide lower; unemployment is on the rise, but the American Consumer continues to spend money that,…

Shopping For a Mortgage… Do You Know What You Are Comparing?
AikenomicsIn this week’s article, I relate Elvis Presley's 1974 hit “Suspicious Minds” to how clients shopping for a mortgage should be very suspicious when comparing costs.
There is no doubt that the rate and loan program is very important,…

Stop Living In The Past
AikenomicsMy inspiration for this week’s article came from Jethro Tull’s 1969 hit “Living in The Past”. It seems that we cannot let go of the 2020-2022 timeframe when we had home prices rising at 10-20% per year in some areas, the multiple bid…

What If?
AikenomicsMy inspiration for this week’s article came from Christian singer Matthew West’s 2019 song “What If.” There are many questions and predictions as to where mortgage rates will be heading for the next several months, including the ones…

Where Do We Go From Here?
AikenomicsThis week’s “pop” hit comes from the 1970 B-side of the hit album “25 or 6 to 4” from the group Chicago, "Where Do We Go from Here.” The song talks about how we need to come together and now. After the election, that cannot be truer.…

What Is Happening?
AikenomicsBased on the election results last night, the majority of Americans who voted elected Donald Trump. There were many issues on the table, and the “big one” was the economy. The economy has been on everyone’s mind for the past several years,…

Hold On For One More Day
AikenomicsThis week’s “pop” hit is Wilson Phillips's 1990 “Hold On.” The song starts with “I know there’s pain...” which cannot be truer when watching what mortgage rates have done over the past 30 days. Mortgage rates have soared to…

For What It’s Worth
AikenomicsThis week’s “pop” hit is Buffalo Springfield's March 1966 hit “For What It’s Worth.” Many of the same things that were going on in 1966 are going on once again today. The two political parties currently are at the farthest ends…